IN*FUSION ART MAGAZINE Kathrin Spickermann


IN*FUSION ART MAGAZINE Kathrin Spickermann

I started image editing way back, using a win98 pc. Back
then, however, I had manyfold interests and my curiosity was
distracted by countless explorations. It was not before 2017 that
I resumed doing digital art regularly, and now am quite
dedicated to developing on, as it is delightful, and I enjoy
learning and expressing myself hereby.

IN*FUSION ART MAGAZINE Kathrin SpickermannElderflower

IN*FUSION ART MAGAZINE Kathrin SpickermannBonfire

IN*FUSION ART MAGAZINE Kathrin Spickermann Foam sweet foam

What is your inspirational source?

Learning new stuff (apps, techniques...), the flow, the
process of work, emotions, people and nature, artists and art.

IN*FUSION ART MAGAZINE Kathrin Spickermann Out of the box

IN*FUSION ART MAGAZINE Kathrin Spickermann subsiding

How does an idea for a digital work come up?

It all begins with a picture that appeals to me, or a technique
which I want to apply, and then the creative process starts... it‘s
rather open end, with no fixed idea in mind.

IN*FUSION ART MAGAZINE Kathrin SpickermannVariete

IN*FUSION ART MAGAZINE Kathrin Spickermann Shamen

What are the most meaningful topics you try to represent in your work?

Life is change is learning is life. What really drives me on is
the connection between experience and curiosity and mirroring
my feelings and thoughts during this process through its
outcome. To make people think, contemplate and feel is also
very important to me.

IN*FUSION ART MAGAZINE Kathrin Spickermann Full on trance

IN*FUSION ART MAGAZINE Kathrin Spickermann Delving

How did you find your own style to create your digital work?

I don’t know if I have one, I just keep going.

IN*FUSION ART MAGAZINE Kathrin SpickermannHybrid

IN*FUSION ART MAGAZINE Kathrin SpickermannImmersion

We daresay that new media will soon fill the apparent dichotomy between art and technology, to assimilate one to
each other: what's your opinion about the relationship between Art production and Technology?

Digitalisation has obviously engulfed art, and it would be a
great loss not to use these opportunities. While analogue art will
persist, there are enormous potentials in electronic media or the
combination of both. Just consider the gain in flexibility and
forms of expression.
Maybe one should also acknowledge the interdependence
between technology and art, or even a possible symbiosis. After
all, they are both culture, manmade. Through a more present
art dimension within technology, people might become
reconciliated with their estranged environment.

IN*FUSION ART MAGAZINE Kathrin Spickermann Lifeline1

IN*FUSION ART MAGAZINE Kathrin Spickermann Shape memory alloy

There are always new software technologies. How do you learn to use them?

I‘m autodidactic, basically learning by doing.

IN*FUSION ART MAGAZINE Kathrin Spickermann Rara avis

IN*FUSION ART MAGAZINE Kathrin Spickermann Mitakuye Oyasin!